Monday, January 25, 2016

Top 5 Conspiracy Theories

Area 51

At number four, we have the area 51 conspiracy theory. Area 51 is the United Air Force facility in Nevada that is approximately 150 km out of Las Vegas. Area 51 was pretty much a myth, we did not really know if it existed until 2013 when the CIA revealed that it does exist. We don't really know what's going on there because it is a restricted area which is heavily guarded. With that much security, it shows that area does not want the public to see what's in there or what's going on. Area 51 is used to develop new military technology like weapons and aircraft's.   

One popular conspiracy theory that we hear about area 51 is that they have UFO's and aliens stored there and that scientist and engineers try to reverse engineer alien spacecraft to use the alien's spacecraft advanced technology. In July 1947, Mac Brazel found strange metal pieces on his property in Roswell, New Mexico. After discovering the metal pieces, Mac went and alerted the authorities where Colonel Blanchard who worked at area 51 started an investigation. Later revealing to the press that they have found some sort of 'flying disc'. It wasn't until 30 years later until theorist became interested in the Roswell case. Aside from what happened in Roswell, there had been other allegations of other weird flying objects in the sky and crash fragments from UFO's that have been taken to area 51.

Other conspiracy theories about area 51 is the 'Aurora Project'. Since it's the United Air force facility, aircraft are built and tested on their runway that is supposedly 9 km long. There are many aircraft projects in area 51 such as U-2 program, D-21 Tagboard, F-117 and many more. But the Aurora Project is a conspiracy about a stealth aircraft. Apparently this aircraft is the fastest plane ever built with a speed of mach 6 which is around 7344 kph. These aircraft have not been showed to the public or seen. This might be to hide their technology from other countries.

Since area 51 is a well guarded place and only some people know what's really in there, it would make sense that they are working on new plane technology and that the are an air force base. Also, the universe is enormous, there is a chance that we are not the only one's so UFO's and aliens could exist. Area 51 is full of conspiracies and we might never find out what really go's on there.



  1. I love your blog idea, I think conspiracy theories are pretty cool and very interesting. I knew about the alien thing for area 51 but I didn't know they tested and created new military technology there. What do you think really goes on beneath those walls?

    1. Thank you, I agree conspiracy theories are really cool and interesting, they always having you thinking about what really happen and what you think. Yeah we are not sure of what really goes on in there since its heavily guarded and a highly classified area. I don't really know what goes on beneath does wall but it must be something dangerous and advanced military stuff and don't want the public or other countries to find out about.

  2. I agree with your insight on this theory. It is highly possible that there is new technology being built in that area, and that they will be using it in the futur. I enjoyed this post very much. Keep up the good work Ali! I will definitely be reading this blog later on.

    1. Thank you, means a lot. Yeah there must new technology there since its a place that no one know what goes behind those fences.

  3. Area 51 has always been something that I found fascinating to the point where i wanted to find out as much as I could on the topic. And I do agree with you with your theory; they could be hidding anything from us and we wouldn't even know it until it it finally came out. But you have to wonder that if they are hidding this so called air base, waht else could they be hidding from us?

    1. Yeah you're right since they don't say anything to the public and that its a highly restricted place there must be more thing going in there that they are hiding from us.

  4. Wow aliens? What is this, Star trek? I really hope I don't get invaded soon. Anyway, this article got me thinking, if the government is hiding Area 51, what if they are hiding other things? Like some hight tech nuklear weapon.

    In conclusion Area 51 is a great mystery that I don't think we will ever find out the truth. So we should stick to speculation.

    1. Haha yeah phil like from Star Trek. Yeah it has been said that area 51 tested a nuclear bomb 150 miles away from the base out it the open and apparently it is 5 times more powerful than the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Maybe oen day we will find out what really goes on beneath that base. Things always have a way of getting out.

  5. I agree with your theory of area 51, it is possible there are many strange things happening considering its top secret and no one really knows what's going on. I enjoyed reading this blog post because I learned new things about this conspiracy! Keep up the good work Aloushie :)

    1. Thank you Noor, yeah conspiracy are really interesting and teach you things you never knew.

  6. Area 51 is such a cool concept. There is so much stuff that we dont know out there in the big wide galaxy. The possibility of aliens already on earth is scary but kinda dope at the same time. I hope one day the general populations learns the real truth.
