Monday, January 25, 2016

Top 5 Conspiracy Theories

JFK assassination

At number three we have the JFK assassination conspiracy theory. There are countless theories of how John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. Theorist claim that Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated JFK and charged with his murder was not the only one who was part of the assassination of JFK. They say that the CIA, the mafia, vice-president at the time Lyndon B. Johnson, Castro the Cuban president, and many more conspiracy theories. The top three conspiracy theory of the death of Kennedy are the CIA, the 'magic bullet' theory and the man with the black umbrella.

The CIA conspiracy theory was that Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA agent but there was no file found of him in CIA. So theorist wrapped up that the CIA was not part of the conspiracy. But in 1995, a former U.S army intelligence John M. Newman found out that the CIA and the FBI deleted any existing file of Oswald before the assassination. The CIA might of wanted to murder JFK of when Bay of Pigs Invasion ( Invasion of Cuba) failed, Kennedy released many CIA agents due to the failure of the mission set by Kennedy.

Another conspiracy is the 'magic bullet' theory. Oswald fired three bullets killing JFK and injuring governor Connally. The investigation revealed a theory that only one bullet hit Kennedy going from his upper back to his throat and then piercing threw the governor's ribs. But ''Sceptics say the trajectory was fanciful'' (The week). That why theorist think that there was more than one shooter.

The other conspiracy is the man with the black umbrella on a sunny day of the assassination on JFK. He was the only man there holding a umbrella and wearing a rain coat. The man was a close bystander to the limousine and was standing right were the bullets were fired. He might of shot Kennedy and Lee Oswald.

I think that CIA was the one's that assassinated president Kennedy because they have more power and capabilities to commit the murder with their access to delete files, to weapon's and to cover their tracks compared to someone else who doesn't have the experiences and knowledge of someone who works or had worked with CIA.



  1. Wow, what an interesting post. I would have never even thought that the CIA could even be considered to be in on it. But if it was really the CIA who assassinated JFK, was the attack something personal or was it much more than that? Although this could be the answer I still think that we might be over thinking this. For all we know it could have simply been a man who woke up on the rong side of the bed one morning, decided to buy a rifle, get good with it and shoot the president. But until then this assassination will remain a secret.

    1. Yeah there was a mission called 'Bay of Pigs Invasion' were the CIA and the US military were set out to invade Cuba but had failed. Shortly after that JFK fired many people who were on the operation. So may have gave them reason to assassinate Kennedy. Or you're right it might have been a random person mad at the world.

  2. Wow, you know JFK was an insparation for me. He liberated the blacks from social opresions. He was a great leader and I have no idea why anyone would want to kill him. Probably the KKK, those racist bastards deserve to have life improsnment. What your opinion about the KKK?

    In conclusion, I think that the world would have been different today if JFK was still around.

    1. I agree, the world would have been a different place. I think KKK is wrong.

  3. I think the assassination of president Kennedy is one of the most shocking ones expected. I went to the henry ford musem in Michigan and saw the limo that he was assassinated in and they finally added a lot of security and gear to the limo so it is bullet proof for the new president .

    1. That's pretty cool, because in the picture you see that the limo is open from the top and anyone could have kille JFK. Yeah now a day the presidents limo are heavily armoured and withstand a rpg shot.

  4. I think the most plausible explanation is that it must have been the CIA. With all the information given, it has to be an inside man. Maybe it was an accident? I think this because the Secret Services are so powerful that if someone was trying to assassinate the president, they would know. So the only way he actually got shot is that they let it happen.

    1. Yeah I agree with your theory and maybe it could have been a accident when his bodyguards tried to shot the killer but I highly doubt that it was an accident cause who would you shot the president by accident and mistake him for another man who is no next to him. The most reasonable explanation is that it was a inside man given there experience and knowledge.

  5. JFK was a great man and a real tragic loss when he was killed way back then. To think that it was a inside job is such a dark idea but the fact that it makes some sense frightens me. Fun fact JFK was the youngest president ever in the history of the US.
