Monday, January 25, 2016

Top 5 Conspiracy Theories

Moon Landing

At number five, we have the moon landing conspiracy theory. Many say that Apollo 11 which was the moon landing mission in 1969 was a hoax and was made by NASA. Apollo 11 was during the cold war where there was political and military tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. Both countries where in the space race to prove who was better. 

There are many elements that lead conspiracy theorists to believe that the moon landing was man made by NASA and that the twelve astronauts did not walk on the moon. Since there are many hoax claims, the top three that reason that lead people to think that the moon landing did not really happen are the waving flag, multiple light sources and the lack of stars in the photos that have been taken by NASA.

The first of many reason is that the flag was moving in photos and on live TV as the astronauts put down the flag. The problem here is that there is no air in the moon's atmosphere, and without air there is no wind so therefore is no reason that flag should be fluttering. In NASA's explanation, they say that the movement of the flag was caused while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were putting the flag down.

Another reason that lead conspiracy theorists to think that Apollo 11 was man-made was the shadow that went in different directions. Many say that is caused by multiple light sources. On the moon, the only light source is the sun. That means that all shadows should be parallel to each other. As we see in the picture the shadows are not parallels which means that there had to be multiple light sources and that it was filmed in a studio. Now NASA blamed the bumps to having unparalleled shadows.

The last reason of the top three claims is the lack of stars in the photos and live stream of the moon landing. Stars are more visible and brighter on the moon than on earth. NASA says that they could not locate the exact location of the stars so they left them out. But if we can see and take clear picture of stars from earth shouldn't it be more visible and better from the moon?

In season 6, episode 2 of Mythbusters they prove that the myth of the waving flag and the multiple light sources are not myth by recreating the pictures.

With the reasons that people think that the moon landing was man-made, there still are reason that show that moon landing did happen. Recent pictures were taken in 2012 showing that the american flag is still on moon. I think that moon landing was real because of the live footage of moon landing and how the Mythbusters proved that it was real and not man-made. If it were man-made it would have take years to prepare and many people to help and all those people would know about it. So how would you get all those people to not say a word about it?


  1. I heard about this theory, that the moon landing never happened. I am pretty confident that the landing did happen, in my opinion. I enjoyed reading all the arguments that had the world doubting the landing in the first place. It was super interesting! Great work, keep it up!!!

    1. Thank you, and I agree it would have taken so much time, effort, and money to have fake the moon landing. It just doesn't make sense for them to fake it!

  2. Wow and I thought I was crazy, look at these bozos thinking that the moon landing was fake. Obviously NASA would never lie to cover for government action. I mean its not like theye founded by them. But what do I know? I'm just a student with no astro physcist degree.

    In conclusion, I think that the moon landing was 110% real. GO USA!

    1. Haha you're right Phil what do we know, we are just high school students

  3. Well personally I do believe that the moon landing actually happened for reasons of proof and of common sense. One of the biggest concerns to me are why would NASA go through all that trouble all to simply fake it? and on top of that anyone can find real life footage of the moon landing and of the astronauts. So why would anyone think that the whole thing was faked in the first place?

    1. One reason of why the US would want to go threw all that trouble just to fake the moon landing is that it was during the cold war against the Soviet Union and they just wanted to prove who was a better country. And people thought that the moon landing was fake for many reason because so things in the live footage and photos looked suspicious.

  4. It is completly absurd that there are people in this world that think the moon landing is fake. Conspiracys theoriests will make the most ridicoulous stories up. I think that NASA is way too good of an organisation to make up a complete moon landing. Also what benefit would there be to faking a moon landing? Ridiculous but good blog.

    1. Thanks, yeah there's always going to be people who think that something didn't happen or it happen another way. But after reading on some of the prove of the conspiracy theories about the moon landing it got me thinking. And there is a lot more theory on the moon landing like the c rock and the foot prints, you could go check them out.

  5. Personally, sure it would be pretty embarrassing for NASA if somehow somebody proved that Apollo 11 was fake, but at the same time, look at all of the people this has inspired all over the world, even if it was fake, it had a positive effect on people all over the world and helped them believe that almost anything was possible.

  6. Nasa is such a good organisation to think that some people think they are shady is very silly. This company donates a lot of their hard earned cash and create many programs for children to get educated about space and stuff. This is why I think the moon landing actually happened.
